Motivation Unleashed: Your First Bug Bounty Hunting Adventure

5 min readSep 20, 2023


Bug bounty hunting is an exciting and rewarding field that allows individuals to earn money while helping organizations identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their software. However, getting started in bug hunting can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the world of cybersecurity. In this article, we’ll discuss the motivation behind bug bounty hunting and provide valuable tips to help you find your first bug.

Have you recently entered the world of bug bounty hunting and are having trouble locating your first bug?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s a common challenge that requires persistence and dedication. In this article, I have prepared some helpful tips to guide you on your bug bounty journey.

Never Back Down Never Give Up

First and foremost, it’s essential to take your time to research the application. Don’t rush directly into testing bugs. Instead, take some time to register on the app, look around, and see if you can create new users with different roles, upload any docs, export something into PDF, or call external services using webhooks.

1. Understand the Motivation

Before diving into the world of bug bounty hunting, it’s essential to understand why you want to pursue this path. Here are some common motivations that drive bug hunters:

  • Learning: Bug hunting is a continuous learning experience. You’ll gain insights into various software systems, hone your technical skills, and develop a deep understanding of cybersecurity.
  • Financial Incentives: Bug bounties can be lucrative. Many organizations offer substantial rewards for discovering critical vulnerabilities, making it a viable source of income for skilled bug hunters.
  • Contributing to Security: By finding and reporting security flaws, you’re helping organizations protect their users and data from potential threats. It’s a meaningful way to contribute to cybersecurity.
  • Ethical Hacking: Bug bounty hunting is a form of ethical hacking. It allows you to legally and ethically test software for vulnerabilities, helping to improve overall security.

2. Build Your Knowledge and Skills

To be successful in bug bounty hunting, you need to invest in your knowledge and skills. Here’s how:

  • Learn the Basics: Start with foundational cybersecurity concepts. Understand common vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
  • Coding Skills: Familiarize yourself with programming languages commonly used in web development, such as HTML, JavaScript, and Python. This will help you understand how vulnerabilities can be exploited.
  • Networking: Learn about network protocols, web technologies, and how data flows between a client and a server. This knowledge is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities.
  • Tools: Familiarize yourself with bug-hunting tools like Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, and Nikto. These tools can help you automate tasks and identify vulnerabilities efficiently.

3. Choose the Right Platforms

Not all bug bounty programs are created equal. To increase your chances of finding your first bug, select platforms that align with your skill level and interests. Some popular bug bounty platforms include HackerOne, Bugcrowd, and Synack.

4. Start Small

When you’re just starting, focus on smaller, less well-known programs. These programs are less competitive, making it easier for newcomers to find vulnerabilities. As you gain experience and confidence, you can tackle more prominent targets.

5. Read and Research

Stay updated with the latest security news, blogs, and research papers. Join bug hunting forums and communities to learn from experienced hunters and get insights into new attack techniques and vulnerabilities.

6. Practice Ethical Hacking

Set up a lab environment where you can practice your hacking skills legally and safely. Create your own websites or applications and intentionally introduce vulnerabilities to test your ability to find and exploit them.

7. Document Your Work

Keep thorough records of your bug hunting activities. Document the vulnerabilities you discover, the steps you took to find them, and your communication with the organization. Clear and concise reports will improve your chances of receiving a bounty.

8. Persistence is Key

Bug hunting can be frustrating, especially when you’re starting. You may encounter numerous rejections and false alarms. However, persistence is key to success. Keep learning, keep hunting, and keep submitting reports.

Just play with the app like a regular user, and start questioning yourself:

  1. What will happen if a regular user can access this admin section?
    Can a non-admin user view this secret doc?
  2. Can a user upload non-basic doc types, such as PHP files in a PHP application?
  3. Is it possible to inject HTML tags into exported PDFs, and if so, is it possible to read internal files using an <iframe> tag?
  4. Is it possible to call localhost when creating a new webhook, or even an AWS metadata address?
  5. Does the app require an old password for changing the password or email, if not, then is it possible to find XSS somewhere to achieve full ATO (Account Takeover)?
  6. What kind of stack app is built with, what are the versions, and are there any vulnerabilities / CVEs with PoCs?
  7. Are there any file paths in URL params or POST body, that can be tested for LFI (local file inclusion) vulnerabilities?
  8. Is there any premium subscription plan that gives benefits, can these benefits be achieved using a normal user without a subscription?

Questions like these can help you identify potential vulnerabilities and give you a better understanding of the app’s security.

It’s also important to stay focused during your testing sessions and not get distracted by other things. Try not to spend too much time on one program in a row.


Bug bounty hunting is a challenging but rewarding pursuit that offers the opportunity to earn money while contributing to the security of the digital world. By understanding your motivation, building your knowledge and skills, and following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of finding your first bug and embarking on a successful bug hunting journey. Remember that the journey is as valuable as the destination, and each bug you find is a step towards becoming a skilled and respected bug hunter. Happy hunting!

Never Back Down, Never Give Up

Never Back Down, Never Give Up

Never Back Down, Never Give Up

Best Regards, Prashidha Rawal (ht0k)

